Hi! I have post about circle lens again, sponsored by Klenspop.
Klenspop is based on Korea, sells many lenses also cosmetic with affordable price. You can also check their Japan website Jlenspop.
As usual the shipping only took less than 2 weeks. The circle lenses came in small box and there is another box inside which was securely wrapped with bubble wrap and this time there is also a paper of contat lens manual. They sent me 2 pairs of lens and I will review the other one later.
Seperti biasa pengiriman dari Korea sampai ke rumah aku gak sampai 2 minggu. Pengirimannya dengan box kecil yang didalamnya ada box lagi, nah didalamnya ada circle lens. Gak usah takut botol circle lens nya pecah, karena dibungkus secara aman dengan bubble wrap yang lumayan tebal kok dan kali ini ada ada tambahan secarik kertas yang berguna banget isinya info untuk pengguna circle lens.
The box is illustrated with a pretty girl picture. Inside the box were a pair of circle lenses in glass vials, lens case and tweezer. In the back of box you will see contact lens manual, so if it is your first time wearing circle lenses just follow the instructions written there.
Di bagian depan box nya ada gambar gadis yang cantik. Nah waktu dibuka dalamnya ada sepasang circle lens, lens case dan tweezer. Dibagian belakang box nya ada penjelasan tentang cara pakai circle lens, jadi mempermudah kamu buat yang baru pertama kali pakai circle lens.
Here is more information for contact lens user, you can zoom it to read or click here to see more clear picture.
Ini nih kertas yang isinya informasi buat para pemakai circle lens, bisa di zoom ya buat baca atau kalau kurang jelas bisa klik disini.
This lens comes in glas vials and the design in the packaging also the bottle cover look like a flower.
Circle lens ini kemasannya dalam botol kaca terus design gambar di botol atau tutupnya seperti bunga.
Manufacturer :
Diameter :
14.00 mm
14.00 mm
Graphic Diameter :
13.50 mm
13.50 mm
Water Content :
Base Curve :
Life Span :
6 Month
6 Month
Country of Origin :
South Korea
South Korea
Price :
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*
Each side of this circle lenses color is different, so it easier to know where side is for inside and outside. The lens design also look like flower, personally I like lens design like Bunny Color Brown.
Kedua sisi dari circle lens ini warnanya berbeda jadi lebih mempermudah buat tau mana bagian luar dan dalamnya. Desain dari circle lens ini juga seperti bunga, kalau ngomongin desain sih aku lebih suka yang seperti Bunny Color Brown.
This lens is have black limbal ring usually lens with black limbal ring will give enlargement effect to eyes.
Circle lens ini ada limbal ring warna hitam di bagian luarnya, biasanya kalau ada limbal ring warna hitam jadi ngasih efek membesarkan ke mata.
Hmm you may see redness in my eyes, but it's not because of this lens. I was having cold and lack of sleep so my eyes look a bit red.
Mungkin mata aku terlihat kemerahan ya, tapi aku mau klarifikasi dulu kemerahannya bukan karena circle lens ini. Waktu ambil foto ini aku lagi mulai ngerasa masuk angin dan kurang tidur jadinya mata aku mulai merah, itu tanda-tanda kalau aku mau sakit biasanya dimulai dari mata merah dan pilek gitu.
When wearing this lens the brown color is really bright so people easily notice that I wear circle lenses. However the enlargement effect is not really 'wow' since the diameter is not big, it's quite natural won't make you look like alien but I prefer wearing this lens with eye makeup.
Waktu pakai circle lens ini warna coklat nya bisa dibilang cukup terang, jadi orang lain pasti sadar kalau lagi pakai circle lens. Tapi efek membesarkannya gak yang 'wow' banget karena diameternya gak besar, efek membesarkannya lumayan natural gak akan buat seperti alie tapi aku lebih suka pakai circle lens ini dengan makeup di bagian mata buat menyeimbangkan dengan desainnya.
I have been wearing this circle lenses for one week in different situation since I have holiday until end of this month. This lens isn't too thick nor too thin but when wearing them I feel like wearing nothing and it's more comfortable than Bunny Color Brown, I don't feel my eyes drying at all even in room with AC but since my eyes is sensitive I still use lens eyedrops to prevent from something bad happens later. [More explanation: the first 3 days I'm using this without eyedrops about 8 hours, but after that to prevent something bad that maybe happens later so I'm using eyedrops]
Aku udah pakai circle lens ini selama seminggu dalam kondisi yang berbeda-beda setiap harinya karena aku lagi liburan sampai akhir bulan ini. Circle lens ini gak terlalu tebal dan gak terlalu tipis, tapi yang aku suka waktu pakai ini aku gak ngerasa pakai apa-apa. Aku ngerasa ini lebih nyaman dipakai dibanding Bunny Color Brown, aku sama sekali gak ngerasa mata aku kering. Di 3 hari pertama aku pakai circle lens ini sampai 8 jam tanpa tetes mata dan aku ngerasa mata aku tetap baik-baik aja. Terus di hari-hari berikutnya walaupun aku udah ngerasa mata aku baik-baik aja walaupun gak pakai tetes mata, untuk menghindari hal-hal yang mungkin aja bisa terjadi nanti aku tetap pakai tetes mata, terlebih mata aku ini sensitif. Mencegah lebih baik kan?
COLOR : 4/5
DESIGN : 3/5
Korean wave is still trending in Indonesia, since this is holiday season for most of university student here so many people choose Korea as their destination to spend their holiday time, if you are visit Korea, you can visit Klenspop store. Mostly located in Seoul ^^
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Cool review, I have always wanted to try these!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I always wanted to try their lenses <3
ReplyDeleteI really like the brown on you :D
You look amazing with the lenses. The pretty girl on that box looks like you ^_^
ReplyDeleteWohaa!! I've got them in same color and still yet to try them out ^_^
ReplyDeleteI'm loving your doll eyes girl <3 they are looking SO good on you ...
Ahhh.. Warna brownnya cakep.. Tapi aku udah terlanjur setia sama 1 merk softlens..
yang daily itu ya kak? :)
DeleteI shall check these put definitely. You look beautiful dear.
ReplyDeleteThey look really nice on you! ^^
ReplyDeleteSuch a pretty color and pattern and they suits you beautifully :)
These lenses sound lovely, they look so cute on you ♥
ReplyDeleteAmy xx
Little Moon Dragon
thank you Amy ♥
DeleteI really like klenspop lenses :) And this colour looks great on you! x
ReplyDelete| Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |
i really love colored lenses because they enhance our eyes, lovely brown choice btw :)
I don't wear eye contacts, but you look great in them! =)
ReplyDeletewarnanya cakep ya. tapi terlalu kayak mata kucing XD
ReplyDeletelebih suka warna asli matamu malahan :)
Love those contact lenses on you! The colour suits you perfectly
ReplyDeleteStyle..A Pastiche! - Indian Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
This look so cute on you >w<
ReplyDeleteI tried Madonna green recently, I love this shop x3
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ReplyDeletetoo dramatic for me! i prefer those very natural looking circle lens so it'll look as if i naturally have big eyes. hahaha!
ReplyDeletei haven't worn lenses in ages and would definitely have tried these out. they look great
ReplyDeleteThe lens look great on you. I personally am not too fond of them because I am allergic to them. Great review dear :)
ReplyDeleteThe color and the design look nice. I've never heard of the brand before.
ReplyDeleteThey look great, I love how they look on you. I'd never use contacts as I've had a bad experience before
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog ini.
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