It’s my first review of circle lens, actually I post about circle lens before but I accidently delete it.
Overall, I'd recommend this for people who like natural enlargement effect from circle lenses. The design also pretty, it blends so well with my eyes.
Last picture.
Have a nice weekend~^^
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Ini review pertama aku tentang circle lens, sebelumnya aku inget banget pernah buat post tentang circle lens tapi tanpa sengaja aku hapus.
Circle lens I have in this review is sponsored by klenspop.
Circle lens I have in this review is sponsored by klenspop.
Klenspop is based on Korea, sells many lenses also cosmetic with affordable price.
The shipping took less than 2 weeks, if I’m not mistaken it is 10 days. The circle lenses came in small box and there is another box inside which was securely wrapped with bubble wrap.
Pengiriman dari Korea ke Indonesia gak sampai 2 minggu, kalau aku gak salah ingat cuma sekitar 10 hari. Pengirimannya dengan box kecil yang didalamnya ada box lagi, nah didalamnya ada circle lens. Gak usah takut botol circle lens nya pecah, karena dibungkus secara aman dengan bubble wrap yang lumayan tebal kok.
The box is illustrated with a pretty girl picture. Inside the box were a pair of circle lenses in glass vials, lens case and tweezer. In the back of box you will see contact lens manual, so if it is your first time wearing circle lenses just follow the instructions written there.
Di bagian depan box nya ada gambar gadis yang cantik. Nah waktu dibuka dalamnya ada sepasang circle lens, lens case dan tweezer. Dibagian belakang box nya ada penjelasan tentang cara pakai circle lens, jadi mempermudah kamu buat yang baru pertama kali pakai circle lens.

It’s my first time have circle lenses in glass vials, I always buy circle lenses in blister packaging before. I was thought I will hurt my finger when try to open the glass vials, but there was no accident when I opened them.
Ini pertama kalinya aku punya circle lens yang dalam kemasan botol kaca, dulu aku selalu beli yang dalam kemasan blister. Sempat takut sih waktu buka jari aku bakalan terluka, tapi untungnya waktu buka lancar-lancar aja gak ada kesulitan apapun.

The lenses name is so cute “bunny” and from the lenses name I got brown color, so far I never brave enough to wear so colorful circle lenses. I’m always pick brown, grey or black color for circle lenses.
Nama dari circle lens ini cute banget ya "bunny" dan berdasarkan warna nya aku dapat warna orange-brown, jujur aja sejauh ini aku gak pernah pilih softlens selain warna coklat, hitam, dan abu-abu.
Nama dari circle lens ini cute banget ya "bunny" dan berdasarkan warna nya aku dapat warna orange-brown, jujur aja sejauh ini aku gak pernah pilih softlens selain warna coklat, hitam, dan abu-abu.
Diameter :
14.00 mm
14.00 mm
Graphic Diameter :
13.80 mm
13.80 mm
Water Content :
Base Curve :
Life Span :
1 year
1 year
Country of Origin :
South Korea
South Korea
Price :
$20 currently on sale for $15 only !
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*
It’s my first time wearing circle lenses again after 1 years so at first I was having hard times to put them into my eyes, but after that it’s so easy to putting them.
Ini pertama kali lagi aku pakai circle lens setelah setahun gak pakai, waktu pertama kali coba pakai bisa dibilang aku mengalami kesulitan tapi sesudahnya aku gampang-gampang aja waktu pakai circle lens ini.
The lenses color are an array of light brown and orange-brown color with brown color ring in the outer. When I wear them on my dark brown eyes, the color really looks orange brown, so people will easily know that I wear circle lenses but if people see me in indoor with lack of lighting people don’t notice that I wear lenses. I really like the stripes design especially outer part is blends so well with my eyes.
$20 currently on sale for $15 only !
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*
It’s my first time wearing circle lenses again after 1 years so at first I was having hard times to put them into my eyes, but after that it’s so easy to putting them.
Ini pertama kali lagi aku pakai circle lens setelah setahun gak pakai, waktu pertama kali coba pakai bisa dibilang aku mengalami kesulitan tapi sesudahnya aku gampang-gampang aja waktu pakai circle lens ini.
The lenses color are an array of light brown and orange-brown color with brown color ring in the outer. When I wear them on my dark brown eyes, the color really looks orange brown, so people will easily know that I wear circle lenses but if people see me in indoor with lack of lighting people don’t notice that I wear lenses. I really like the stripes design especially outer part is blends so well with my eyes.
Ini pertama kali lagi aku pakai circle lens setelah setahun gak pakai, waktu pertama kali coba pakai bisa dibilang aku mengalami kesulitan tapi sesudahnya aku gampang-gampang aja waktu pakai circle lens ini. Warna circle lens ini gabungan dari warna light brown dan orange-brown. Di mata aku yang dark brown ini waktu aku pakai terlihat sekali warnanya orange-brown, jadi orang pasti sadar kalau aku pakai circle lens ini, tapi kalau diruangan yang dengan pencahayaan yang kurang orang lain gak akan begitu sadar kalau lagi pakai circle lens. Aku suka banget sama design nya yang stripes gitu, apalagi yang bagian luar karena warnanya menyatu banget dengan mata aku.
The lens is thin, but when I wearing it sometimes I still feel I wear circle lenses. I like that I can still feel that I wear the lenses, because I fell seep easily, with the I can still feel my circle lens on my eyes so I still remember to put them off before sleeping. The enlargement effect is noticeable on my eyes and it still looks good even wear them without makeup, some lenses with big enlargement effects I had in the past will made me looks creepy if I don’t wear them without eye makeup. And if your original eyes color is light brown people won’t notice you wearing circle lenses.
Circle lens nya tipis, tapi meskipun tipis kadang-kadang aku tetap ngerasa kalau lagi pakai circle lens, tapi bukan yang ngerasa bakalan terganggu. Umm, bisa dibilang aku lebih suka pakai circle lens yang waktu dipakai masih terasa kalau aku pakai circle lens nya. Karena aku orang nya gampang banget tidur, kalau udah nempelin pipi kemana aja, jadi dengan circle lens yang masih bisa aku rasakan keberadaannya dimata bikin aku inget buat ngelepas dulu sebelum aku tidur. Efek membesarkannya kelihatan lumayan dimata aku, dan masih terlihat normal-normal aja mata aku kalau gak pakai makeup. Kan ada tuh ya circle lens yang kelihatan banget efek membesarkannya, nah dulu aku pernah punya yang seperti itu, tapi mata akan terlihat aneh kalau dipakai tanpa makeup. Oh ya, kalau orang yang warna mata aslinya coklat terang gini pasti jadi kelihatan seperti gak pakai apa-apa.
My eyes is so sensitive also I can’t wear lenses with big diameter. After wearing them for several times, average time when I can wear these lenses is up to 4 hours, after that I need few drop of lens eyedrops. I once have experience only can wear lenses for 30 minutes, the longest record I wear circle lenses is 6 hours. So, these lenses are comfortable for my sensitive eyes..
Mata aku tuh sensitif terus aku juga gak bisa pakai mata yang berdiameter besar. Circle lens ini bisa dibilang nyaman, setelah aku pakai ini beberapa kali, aku bisa pakai ini 4 jam setelah itu aku butuh tetes mata. Dulu aku pernah pakai circle lens yang cuma bertahan selama 30 menit aja, kalau yang paling lama sih selama 6 jam. Jadi mengingat mata aku yang sensitif, dengan waktu pemakaian segitu bisa dibilang circle lens ini lumayan nyaman dipakainya.
Selca time~!
Sorry I'm lately lazy wearing eye makeup, I don't even draw my eyebrow LOL and only do super basic makeup which you can see here. Am I look so different without eye makeup?
Maaf ya akhir-akhir ini aku lagi jarang pakai eye makeup, gambar alis aja enggak LOL, makeup nya juga yang dasar banget yang bisa kamu lihat disini. Apa aku kelihatan beda banget tanpa eye makeup?
Selca time~!
Sorry I'm lately lazy wearing eye makeup, I don't even draw my eyebrow LOL and only do super basic makeup which you can see here. Am I look so different without eye makeup?
Maaf ya akhir-akhir ini aku lagi jarang pakai eye makeup, gambar alis aja enggak LOL, makeup nya juga yang dasar banget yang bisa kamu lihat disini. Apa aku kelihatan beda banget tanpa eye makeup?
COLOR : 5/5
DESIGN : 5/5
Overall, I'd recommend this for people who like natural enlargement effect from circle lenses. The design also pretty, it blends so well with my eyes.
Last picture.
Have a nice weekend~^^
Disclaimer :
"This product was sent to me by KLENSPOP for review purpose. However all opinion are based on the author's personal experience. Please note, not all products works for me might not works good for you or otherwise."
Read more complete disclaimer here.
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awww, you look so beautiful :D <3 Thanks for the review, I really loved them.
ReplyDeleteI read your post to, I do agree <3
DeleteHahaha you're really cute~~ :) i also think they still look good without eyemakeup!
ReplyDeleteyou are mooore cute <3
Deletecepet banget 10 hari. Aku biasanya dapet paket dari Korea selalu lebih dari 1,5 bulan >_<
ReplyDeleteAnyway, cocok banget di kamu say, keliatan lumayan natural tanpa makeup. Aman nih kayaknya buat everyday :)
aku paling lama 20-an hari gitu sih kalau ddapet paket. dari US juga cuma pake USPS first class cuma 12 hari. :)
DeleteYou're right, they're still very nice on you in colour w/o the enhancement of makeup :D
ReplyDeleteyes, I really like the design!
Deletethank you! <3
ReplyDeleteThese are a great color on you :D I'm so jealous of your low prescription haha
ReplyDeleteThey really make your eyes pop! I've got dark eyes and the same lenses, but they don't look as nice on me as they do you.
ReplyDeleteI think these are the most comfortable lenses I've ever used. They are so thin. I totally get what you mean about sometimes being able to feel your lenses, but these I don't feel at all.
aduh lucu bgt softlens nya ya *O*
The color is natural and soft still the lenses make eyes look bigger.. em luving these lenses..
pricenya berapa say >< susah nyari yang diameter kecil , geo paling kecil 14.8, trauma pakai yg gede soalnya TT
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog ini.
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