Hi all! It’s me Indira and welcome (back) to my blog.
Shopee Beauty Haul is actually same like my other post of beauty haul. The different is I bought everything at Shopee. For the past 2 or 3 weeks I bought everything at Shopee, my main reason because they offer free shipping for transaction above Rp 30.000 (it's not even reach 3 USD). Who hate free shipping? However, I suggest you to triple check the seller first, because some seller are selling fake goods.

I bought some items which I don't really need. Because I accidentally see it, then I can't stop thinking about it so I decided to just buy it. Here we go :

Zoya Cosmetics Body Mist - Cotton
Curious about the scent since long time ago and this, if I'm not mistaken this variant is the best seller. Too bad the scent didn't last long (of course lah don't hope too much since it's only body mist!). Ssst the splash cologne I mentioned on my Night Body Routine is more last long and it's less than Rp 5.000!

Emina Sun Protection
The texture is same like my favorite Canmake Mermaid Skin Gel UV.
Emina Toner : Double The Moist - The Bright Stuff
So far I didn't notice the big impact from both of this on my skin.

Missha X LINE Friends Love Secret Hand Cream - Cotton
Bought this because Brown is there and I feel like want to collecting all (cheap and cute) handcream.
Missha Premium Aloe Soothing Gel
I ordered lip tint from Aritaum at first. But the shop owner told me it sold out. So, I decided to change my order with this one because my Wardah Aloe Vera Gel is almost run out. Yes the price is a bit higher compared to wardah, but the amount inside is bigger.

A'Pieu X Crayon Shinchan Deep Foam Cleanser
Hi Shinchan! Bought this because I have none from A'Pieu X Crayon Shinchan edition since the date when this released I was in strict shopping ban. Now I want more from Shinchan edition.
A'Pieu X Crayon Shinchan Good Night Water Sleeping Mask
As I said on paragraph above, I want more from A'Pieu X Crayon Shinchan edition. So, I pick this one because I'm bored with my Laneige Water Sleeping Mask.

Lipstick Acrylic
This one is super dirt cheap acrylic lipstick I ever found. I regret why I didn't install shopee earlier? Last year I bought lipstick acrylic from online shop at instagram, the one I bought was only fit 10 lipstick, it cost me more than Rp 100.000 (9 USD) shipping and extra handling was not included. But I found acrylic shop which is so dirt cheap at shopee, so I pick the cheapest one first to know the quality and how they packed it. When I received it, the material, thickness is same like what I bought before. This one fit 18 lipstick and only cost me Rp 45.000 (around 3 USD) included free shipping and not extra handling fee.
X2 Ice Silver - Light Gray
I currently really like trying out more colorful circle lenses so I bought this one. Not sure will I wearing this daily since the color is so bright.
That's all my recent haul. I will temporary uninstall this application before I go broke. Tell me if you have beauty haul post too since I really like read haul post, I never think when people make haul post they want to show-off. Until then!
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Emina sun protection itu teksturnya ky apa indira? Ga pernah coba si canmake soalnya. Mirip biore?
aku belum coba biore nih, sorry :(
DeleteWah kalau gitu menantikan reviewnya si Emina ini. Penasaran pengen cobain.
DeleteOmg, buying things I don't need is my specialty >_> I bought items from the Shin Chan collection and haven't used any of them yet. Super bad of me.
I just tried the sleeping mask.
DeleteNow I want some from Rilakkuma X A'Pieu collection
Beeeeeegh.. haulnya banyak banget ind?? haul gue kalah abis.. wkwkwkwkwk.. btw, baru tahu teryata emina skrg sudah punya skincare ya??
beuuuh apalah arti haulku, dibanding sebotol SK-II mu itu :D
DeleteWoh. Lipstick Acrylic-nya murah banget >_<
ReplyDeletePernah liat di IG tapi harganya ratusan ribu gitu jadi males.
Aku belum pernah coba belanja di Shopee nih.
coba cek indoakryliccenter(duh lupa nama shop nya apa, udah di hapus aplikasinya) deh kak
DeleteIf you can't stop thinking about one product, just buy it. lol
ReplyDeleteItu pikiran tiap liat brand yang launch produk barunya. Tapi nekat nahan diri waktu holika holika x gudetama di launchng.
gudetama mau blush nya sama cushion puff nya hahah
DeleteSeneng belanja di Shopee bebas ongkir hehe :). Jadi pengen browsing Lipstick Acrylic ke shopee hihi
ReplyDeleteiyaaa XD
DeleteDuh gak kuat :(
ReplyDeletehalaaah :o
Deleteaku juga suka belanja di shopee iin, tapi mau beli yang kosmetik beauty gini2 takut palsu gitu2. Ada rekomendasi seller shopee atau tips belanja di shopee gaa? Thank youuu :D
ya aku jg kadang bingung sih XD
Deleteini beli di seller ig yg hijrah ke shopee rata2 heheh
Aku suka bangeeet belanja di Shoppe karena free ongkirnya itu. Cuma memang mesti hati-hati pilih sellernya dengan lihat komen-komennya.
Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog ini.
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