Hey ! This is my 2nd post of blush, back then I'm rarely using blush but I think since 3 months ago almost every day I'm wearing blush, but I only have 2 blush now. This time blush is from local brand named Zoya. Have you ever heard about Zoya before? Actually they produce hijab and other fashion things at first but now they also have makeup products.
Hallo! Ini post kedua aku tentang blush, dulu aku jarang banget pakai blush tapi semenjak 3 bulan lalu hampir setiap hari aku blush, tapi koleksi blush aku sampai saat ini cuma ada 2 sih haha. Blush yang aku review kali ini dari brand lokal namanya Zoya. Udah pernah dengar brand Zoya? Zoya awalnya produksi hijab dan berbagai macam benda fashion, tapi sekarang mereka produksi makeup juga.
Zoya Cosmetics blush is available in 2 name shades, Mango Blush and Cherry Blush. What I have is Cherry Blush shade.
Blush dari Zoya Cosmetics tersedia dalam 2 pilihan shade, Mango Blush dan Cherry Blush. Yang aku punya dan akan aku review sekarang yang Cherry Blush.
The packaging is dominated with white color. In the back you will see complete information about this, such as produced by, expired date and etc. When you open it you will see mirror inside, the mirror size is same as the packaging (err sorry forget to take picture), so that's why the lid is not transparent. I like the design it simple but the white color make it easy get dirty.
Kemasannya di dominasi sama warna putih, hampir mirip sama eyeshadownya. Dibelakangnya ada info lengkap tentang blush ini. Waktu dibuka ada kaca yang ukurannya besar (maaf ya lupa lagi fotonya), makanya tutup dari blush ini gak transparan. Aku suka sih desain nya yang simple tapi sayangnya warnanya putih jadi gampang aja terlihat kotor atau putih nya jadi putih yang dekil gitu.

When it still brand new there is a clear plastic overlay printed "zoya cosmetics" above the blush. It also comes with brush, but in my opinion it useless since the brush size is too small I need many times applying the blush with this kind of brush. I think it's better if they make it without brush, so we got more bigger pan of blush. The color looks pink-orange in the pan.
Waktu baru beli diatas blush nya ditutupi sama mika bening yang ada tulisan "zoya cosmetics". Didalamnya juga terdapat brush, tapi brushnya ini terlalu kecil jadi aku harus beberapa kali memulaskannya dimuka aku (..pipinya aja yang terlalu lebar). Menurut aku lebih baik dibuat penuh aja blushnya daripada ada brush tapi gak terlalu berguna. Warna blush ini di pan terlihat pink ke orange-an.
Not only the brush size which is so small, the bristles also not soft enough to use it for cheek area.
Bukan cuma ukuran brush nya yang bisa dibilang terlalu kecil, bulu di brushnya juga kurang lembut buat dipakai di pipi. Karena bulunya yang gak lembut, waktu mau di swipe jadi nyerbuk gitu kan blushnya. Makanya aku gak pakai brush bawaannya.
When swatch it the color is pink with a bit of orange color and with price under 50.000 IDR it super pigmented!
Waktu di swatch warnanya lebih ke pink banget, ada hint warna orangenya sih dan dengan harga dibawah Rp 50.000 blush ini pigmented banget!
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just one swipe |
When applied on my medium skin tone the blush color is really show up with only 1 swipe. Of course the color is buildable so you can apply more to get more intense color but for me 1 swipe is already enough (I'm using Jessup brush for applying). As for more I'm using this blush only in special occasion because the color is too show up well for my daily basis makeup, and the staying power also good it last 6 hours and only faded a bit.
Waktu di apply di kulit aku yang medium warnanya benar-benar keluar banget walaupun cuma sekali swipe. Kamu bisa pulaskan lagi kalau kamu lebih suka warna yang lebih intense, tapi kalau aku sekali swipe aja udah cukup. Aku pakai blush ini kalau lagi di acara tertentu aja gak setiap hari, karena warnanya terlalu terang buat makeup harian aku, dan blush ini juga masih stay walaupun udah dipakai selama 6 jam, ya setelah itu warnanya mulai memudar sedikit aja.
What I like :
+ Affordable price
+ Pigmented color
+ Not chalky (if you don't use the blush from this)
+ Long lasting
What I dislike :
- Useless brush
RATING: 4.5/5
Where to Buy?
You can use code ZBAPQDXC when checkout, to get 15% off of your total payment.
"This product was purchased using my sponsored voucher. However all opinion are based on the author's personal experience. Please note, not all products works for me might not works good for you or otherwise."
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wow pigmentasinya gila! baru tau kalo blushnya Zoya sepigmented ini! Nice review say ^^
hihi iya makanya aku gak pakai setiap hari, terlalu 'ramai' aja warnanya buat harian :)
DeleteWorth to try! tapi blush nya ngga bisa di pake tiap hari >< too strong warnanya
ReplyDeleteanyway, mind to follow me back via GFC, kak ? :)
xoxo, Syarah
Hihi iya terlalu kuat warnanya buat harian :)
DeleteThis sounds lovely, it looks really nice on you! The pigmentation looks wonderful ♥
ReplyDeleteAmy xx
Little Moon Dragon
Their packaging reminds me of Innisfree and omg it is sooo pigmented! The problem I always had with blush was that it never was pigmented enough >.<
bagus ya warna-nya.
ReplyDeletepigmented sekali di pipimu. nice review <3
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ReplyDeletekayaknya bagus yah pigmented hasilnya, ak jarang pake blush XD biasanya cm pake liptint
Such a cute color on you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this review. Nice color, suits you :)
ReplyDeleteNice review. Never heard of Zoya cosmetics ever. Will check about them now.
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog ini.
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