Hi all! It’s me Indira and welcome (back) to my blog.

This post is in Bahasa and English.
Tadinya aku kira gak akan beli apa-apa lagi makanya awal atau pertengahan Juni kemarin aku buat postingan Shopee Beauty Haul eh ternyata 2 minggu terakhir di bulan Juni ada beberapa produk yang aku beli jadi aku buat Haul Post lagi. Gak semuanya yang ada disini aku butuh, karena sesungguhnya aku gak butuh lipstick baru tapi tetap aja beli lagi. Tapi, ini aku sudah menahan diri kok untuk beli yang gak dibutuhin banget, setidaknya di bagian makeup karena udah berapa lama ya aku gak beli eyeshadow palette. Barang nya akan aku pisahin berdasarkan dimana aku dapatnya.
I was thought I won't make Haul Post again after in mid of June I made a post of Shopee Beauty Haul. Well, since I'm eyeing some product so it just impossible for me to not shop again unless I'm in super broke state. So here some products I bought or get lately.
I was thought I won't make Haul Post again after in mid of June I made a post of Shopee Beauty Haul. Well, since I'm eyeing some product so it just impossible for me to not shop again unless I'm in super broke state. So here some products I bought or get lately.
Kay Collection
Kalau ini aku dapat beberapa barang dari Kay Collection dari menang giveaway. Semuanya produk dari BCL, BCL ini brand jepang bukan brand artis BCL itu. Aku dapat 2 skincare dan 1 makeup.
I got some product from winning giveaway held by Kay Collection. The prize is 3 products from japanese brand, BCL. Actually the reason why I'm joined the giveaway because I was curious to try one of the prize.
I got some product from winning giveaway held by Kay Collection. The prize is 3 products from japanese brand, BCL. Actually the reason why I'm joined the giveaway because I was curious to try one of the prize.

Skin Clear Peeling Gel with AHA Baby Smooth
Alasan utama aku ikutan giveaway nya karena ini salah satu hadiahnya. Aku udah penasaran sama ini dari tahun lalu, tapi waktu aku lagi kepengen banget produk ini sempat sold out. Sudah aku pakai 2 kali, cuma kurang suka karena ada wangi peach yang terlalu kuat!
My first reason why I joined the giveaway. Been wanting to try this peeling gel since one year ago, too bad when I want to purchased this is was out of stock. So happy to get this for free! I have tried this twice, so far I'm not so impressed because the peach scent is so strong.
My first reason why I joined the giveaway. Been wanting to try this peeling gel since one year ago, too bad when I want to purchased this is was out of stock. So happy to get this for free! I have tried this twice, so far I'm not so impressed because the peach scent is so strong.
Bright Facial Wash with AHA Baby Smooth
Untuk yang ini belum aku coba karena aku takut aja wanginya terlalu kuat seperti peeling-nya. Lagipula face wash yang aku pakai masih banyak, iya face wash yang aku pakai gak cuma satu aja.
Haven't tried this one, because I'm too sceptical about the scent since it from same line as the peeling product I mentioned above.
Haven't tried this one, because I'm too sceptical about the scent since it from same line as the peeling product I mentioned above.
Liquid Eyeliner Slim Black Browlash Ex Water Strong
Kebetulan lagi gak punya eyeliner favorit nih terus aku coba ini. Gak tau juga ini bakal jadi favorit atau gak, karena aku baru pakai 2 kali.
This come right in time when I don't have favorite eyeliner so I need to try more eyeliner to find 'the one'.
This come right in time when I don't have favorite eyeliner so I need to try more eyeliner to find 'the one'.
Oh iya aku belum share freebies yang aku dapat dari Sociolla bulan kemarin ya? Nanti ya sekalian aku review aja. Di Sociolla ini aku juga gak beli, tapi pakai beauty point. Tadinya aku mau beli pressed powder ... tadinya, iya rencananya mau beli itu. Tapi, yang aku beli jadinya...
Here are another item I got for free. Well, in fact is not actually free. I got this from exchange with my beauty point at Sociolla. To get beauty point you need to buy the product first and write the review, so that's why I said it's not actually free. My plan was to buy powder in pressed form, yeah it's was plan. I ended up buy...
Here are another item I got for free. Well, in fact is not actually free. I got this from exchange with my beauty point at Sociolla. To get beauty point you need to buy the product first and write the review, so that's why I said it's not actually free. My plan was to buy powder in pressed form, yeah it's was plan. I ended up buy...

Beauty Story Smooth & Luminous Premier
Beli ini karena kak Titaz sering banget rekomendasiin primer ini di group chat. Terus, aku suka! Udah cuma bisa bilang gitu aja. Review soon!
I only have 2 makeup primer (if I counted it right), so I think it's okay to buy more. Bought this because one of my blogger friend, Kak Titaz always recommend this one. So far I super like it.
I only have 2 makeup primer (if I counted it right), so I think it's okay to buy more. Bought this because one of my blogger friend, Kak Titaz always recommend this one. So far I super like it.
Emina Cheeklit Pressed Blush - Marshmallow Lady
Udah lama banget mau blush ini, cuma aku kan malas ke store ya begitu tau dari kak Chacha kalau ini udah ada di Sociolla aku jadi langsung beli aja.
This not new item Emina, but you know I'm too lazy to visit the counter and after I read Kak Chacha post I just know this blush already available at Sociolla and I randomly pick this shade.
This not new item Emina, but you know I'm too lazy to visit the counter and after I read Kak Chacha post I just know this blush already available at Sociolla and I randomly pick this shade.
Emina Agent of Brow - Black
Aku udah punya yang brown tapi lupa ada dimana, jadi aku beli yang black ini karena ngelihat swatch di blog orang lain warnanya lebih ke gray. Terus aku lihat nih di instagram kalau Emina ini ngeluarin 2 produk baru untuk alis, brow kit sama eyebrow yang ada spoolie brush di ujung satunya.
I already bought the brown one, but I forget where I store it. So, this time I pick the black one because I saw swatches from other blog and the black shade is more gray, but I haven't swatch it by myself.
I already bought the brown one, but I forget where I store it. So, this time I pick the black one because I saw swatches from other blog and the black shade is more gray, but I haven't swatch it by myself.
Kode INDIRA50 masih berlaku loh di Sociolla*. Bisa dipakai untuk setiap pembelian minimal Rp 200.000 buat dapat potongan Rp 50.000, 1 akun cuma bisa pakai sekali ya kode ini terus gak bisa dipakai untuk produk Rollover Reaction.
(Update 10/08/2016 : kode INDIRA50 sudah tidak bisa digunakan ya. Kode diskon Sociolla yang baru SBNLAH14 dengan minimal belanja Rp 250.000 akan mendapat potongan Rp 50.000)
[Read : Sociolla Beauty Point]
Sejujurnya yang aku mau beli di Althea cuma 2 item, produk peeling sama eyepatch. Tapi, karena gak sampai Rp 500.000 buat dapat free ongkir jadi aku ajak Adelyn buat beli juga. Nah disinilah produk lain yang aku beli, jadi asal pilih aja biar sampai Rp 500.000. Lebih rela ngeluarin Rp 120.000 buat tambah barang daripada bayar ongkir, kan?
Jujur ya aku menyesal gitu, karena besok harinya nih setelah aku order eh banyak promo di Althea nya, seperti beli 3 bayar 2 terus juga lagi ada pembagian gratis. Duh aku ingin berkata kasar jadinya.
I was curious to try eyepatch and try more peeling product because it's so cheap. But, to get free shipping the total must be at least Rp 500.000 ($40) and I ask Adelyn maybe she want to buy some products. Well, our order is still not reach $40 and I just randomly picked some product. I'm sure it's not only me who prefer to add more products to get free shipping rather than pay $10 for the shipping.
Jujur ya aku menyesal gitu, karena besok harinya nih setelah aku order eh banyak promo di Althea nya, seperti beli 3 bayar 2 terus juga lagi ada pembagian gratis. Duh aku ingin berkata kasar jadinya.
I was curious to try eyepatch and try more peeling product because it's so cheap. But, to get free shipping the total must be at least Rp 500.000 ($40) and I ask Adelyn maybe she want to buy some products. Well, our order is still not reach $40 and I just randomly picked some product. I'm sure it's not only me who prefer to add more products to get free shipping rather than pay $10 for the shipping.
Oh iya sekalian mengupdate pengalaman belanja di Althea nih. Paket Althea aku sempat ketahan di beacukai sekitar seminggu, gak cuma aku aja ternyata banyak juga yang ketahan di beacukai karena lagi bulan puasa beacukai memang biasanya memperketat penjagaan. Tadinya di kabarin paket baru akan di antar setelah lebaran, ternyata setelah pihak ECargo kasih tau itu, keesokan harinya paket aku sudah bisa rilis dari beacukai.

Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eyepatch
Aku beli ini untuk masalah undereye aku, sejauh ini aku suka karena dari pertama kali pemakaian sudah memuaskan. Produk ini PAO nya cuma 2 bulan, jadi aku pakai ini tiap hari. Mungkin reviewnya akan ada 2-3 bulan lagi.
I have a problem with my undereye, so I want to try this one and so far I'm so happy with the after use result. These shelf life is is only 2 months, so expect a review will coming up in next 2 or 3 months later.
I have a problem with my undereye, so I want to try this one and so far I'm so happy with the after use result. These shelf life is is only 2 months, so expect a review will coming up in next 2 or 3 months later.
It's My Peeling Wash
Aku penasaran aja sih sama ini karena harganya murah. Baru aku pakai sekali, suka sih karena setelah pakai ini gak perih.
This peeling product is so cheap and I like the simplicity of this brand packaging concept. Been using this twice and I like because it didn't give tight feeling after use.
This peeling product is so cheap and I like the simplicity of this brand packaging concept. Been using this twice and I like because it didn't give tight feeling after use.
Innisfree Volcanic Black Head Out Balm
Banyak banget yang gak puas sama produk ini, aku pun udah banyak baca review produk ini. Tapi aku kalau udah penasaran tetap aja beli, meskipun banyak yang gak suka juga hehe.
This product is not get so many good review. But because I'm curious I still buying this. Nothing can stop my curiosity!
This product is not get so many good review. But because I'm curious I still buying this. Nothing can stop my curiosity!
Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel Cream
Aku kira ini teksturnya seperti Pixy Perfect Off Cleansing Gel eh ternyata beda. Ini teksturnya sama seperti produk Aloe Vera yang lain, aku sama sekali gak ngerasa ini seperti face wash.
I was thought this one is like makeup cleansing cream. But the texture of this is just same like their Aloe Vera Soothing Gel, yeah that multipurpose product.
I was thought this one is like makeup cleansing cream. But the texture of this is just same like their Aloe Vera Soothing Gel, yeah that multipurpose product.
Dan+Dan Store
Jadi, ada store Dan+Dan yang baru dan dekat banget sama rumah aku. Terus yang jaga juga gak terlalu ngikutin dan rese gitu, nah aku suka deh belanja di store yang begini.
New Dan+Dan Store just opened recently near my house. Actually, the store already opened since one month ago, I didn't notice it even I pass this store location almost every day.

Mineral Botanica Soft Matte Lip Cream - Merlot
Udah penasaran banget dari lama sama produk Mineral Botanica ini. Tadinya aku mau nyari Micellar Water nya tapi belum ada, makanya aku beli Soft Matte Lip Cream-nya. Shade nya Mineral Botanica Soft Matte Lip Cream ini gak lengkap disana, cuma ada no. 1, 4, 7 dan 11, setelah bingung aku pilih yang no. 11 aja. Di Dan+Dan ini harganya Rp 60.000 lebih padahal aku lihat di online shop harganya kisaran Rp 45.000 - Rp 60.000
I'm also curious with this local brand since I heard it last year but since I have too many things on my wishlist I just bought this last Friday.
I'm also curious with this local brand since I heard it last year but since I have too many things on my wishlist I just bought this last Friday.
Favorit aku banget! Akhirnya ketemu lagi setelah susah nyarinya. Sudah pernah aku review loh silahkan di klik nama produknya.
Repurchased item because I love this one. Do I need to tell you more reason?
Repurchased item because I love this one. Do I need to tell you more reason?
Hadalabo Shirojyun Lotion
Aku sudah pernah coba Hadalabo Shirojyun Starter Pack sebelumnya dan seperti yang aku bilang kemungkinan besar dari seri ini yang akan aku repurchase pasti lotion aja.
I have tried the starter pack which consist 3 products, face wash, milk (moisturizer) and lotion (toner). As I said on the review post, I will only repurchase the lotion.
I have tried the starter pack which consist 3 products, face wash, milk (moisturizer) and lotion (toner). As I said on the review post, I will only repurchase the lotion.
Segitu aja haul aku di 2 minggu terakhir bulan Juni. See you on next post!
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halo Indiraaa, aku penasaran banget nih sama produk-produk altheanya, pingin nyoba beli tapi belum kesampaian muluuu >.<
wahahah asal jangan sering-sering buka website nya aja, ntar 'keracunan' LOL
DeleteKalo aku kemarin titip order Althea sama sepupuku Dir, mana abis itu trus ada promo pembelian 300k gratis onkir @-#&*¥*¥@*%@%
ReplyDeleteDir posting cara ambil angle poto di blog donk, aku selalu gak kedip kalo liat hasil poto-potomu **0**
Loh? Ku kira kamu beli nya bulan juli mba.
DeleteAku juga hampir tergoda promo itu tapi karena paketku kemarin belum nyampe, jadi yaudah aku ga beli dulu.
Ah~ aku juga pingin Emina Cheeklit Pressed Blush-nya tp belum sempet beli...kutunggu review nya, Dir.
ReplyDeleteBtw, salam kenal ya:)
Salam kenal juga! :)
DeleteI'd love to know what you thought of the 24hr liquid eyeliner!
alright ;)
DeleteI love the stuff you've got! I'm curious about the eyeliner, too :)
Beauty Story Primer bikin aku penasaran deh. Banyak banget yang suka, cuma koq pas aku coba testernya dia mengkilap banget. Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteGak sabar nunggu reviewnya^^
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