Contact Lenses : Madonna Violet*

I'm back with circle lenses review again! It's been 3 weeks I'm wearing circle lenses every single day, yes you read it right, e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. Thanks to klenspop for trust me also sending me pairs of circle lenses to try out and to do review. Some of the circle lenses they sent to me is so freaking comfortable my sensitive eyes really love it. 
Kali ini aku review circle lens lagi nih! Udah 2 minggu ini nih aku pakai circle lens setiap hari. Terimakasih banyak klenspop karena  sudah mempercayakan aku untuk review circle lens, beberapa circle lens yang klenspop kirim nyaman banget dan cocok sama mata aku yang sensitif.  

Just as usual the shipping from Korea to Indonesia took about 2 weeks. Well, about shipping it may took longer if there is national holiday because the post officer and customs officer also need holiday, right? Klenspop always packed the parcel securely, like inside the box there is a box wrapped with thick bubble wrap. Just check some of previous post here to see how secure they wrapped your parcel!
Pengiriman dari Korea ke Indonesia seperti biasa cuma 2 minggu. Mungkin aja bisa lebih lama, apalagi kalau lagi ada hari libur nasional. Paket yang dikirim klenspop itu aman banget, karena bubble wrap nya itu berlapis-lapis dan di dalam kotak ada kotak lagi. Lihat di beberapa post aku sebelumnya ya buat lebih jelasnya!

Madonna Violet
Madonna Violet
The circle lenses is packed in a box with cute girl illustration, inside the box were a pair of circle lenses in glass vials, lens case and tweezer. The box is full of information. So worry not for a newbie as long as you understand english you will understand how to use and take care of circle lenses, If you are not understand english, I'm sure the picture illustration will also help you and if you still can't understand it, there a lot of free translator tools can help you.
Packaging circle lens ini punya box yang bergambar perempuan yang cntik, di dalamnya ada sepasang circle lens, tempat lens dan tweezer. Box ini penuh informasi di bagian belakangnya. Jadi, buat yang baru pertama kali gak akan merasa kesulitan buat tau cara pakainya. Tulisannya dalam bahasa inggris sih, tapi bisa lah ya kalau gak ngerti bahasa inggris pakai bantuan google translator kalau kamu malas buka kamus.

Madonna Violet

The circle lenses I will review this time is similar like the one I reviewed before here, the different is only color. But, if you read my previous circle lenses post. I was reviewed the SIO 3 Color Lizzy Blue and SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha before, even it seems the different is only on name and lens color. Fact is the comfort between them is different. So, click read more to see does this Madonna Violet as comfortable as Madonna Brown or not ^^

Manufacturer : 
Diameter : 
14.00 mm
Graphic Diameter : 
13.50 mm
Water Content : 
Base Curve : 
Life Span : 
6 Month
Country of Origin :
South Korea
Price : 
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*

Madonna Violet
Madonna Violet
Madonna Violet

FYI All circle lenses review I write on this blog is I already wearing them for more than one times. Because some circle lenses is not comfortable at first use, but it will feel comfortable at second or my 5 times trying to wear it. I guess my eyes need time to adapt with new circle lenses.
Semua review circle lens yang aku tulis di blog pasti sudah aku pakai lebih dari 1 kali. Karena kalau aku cuma pakai 1 kali, terus langsung ditulis aku rasa itu lebih cocok ke first impression. Soalnya aku rasa mata aku butuh masa penyesuaian setiap pakai circle lens baru. Ada beberapa circle lens yang baru pertama kali pakai kadang gak terasa nyaman, terus di pemakaian ketiga baru terasa nyaman. Yah meskipun ada juga sih yang udah coba dipakai 5 kali, tetap terasa gak nyaman dan aku nyerah kalau udah begitu ga akan aku pakai lagi circle lensnya.

The color of each side is different. So you will easily tell which side for inside or outside. The lens pattern is like a simple flower with black limbal ring. The violet color is so bright, I never wear this circle lenses outside since I'm not ready being a center of attention because of this lens color. 
Warna kedua sisinya beda, jadi gampang banget buat bedain mana untuk yang dalam dan diluar. Jujur ya aku paling ga suka sama circle lens yang kedua sisi warnanya sama meskipun cara ngebedainnya bisa dilihat dari bentuknya, aku ngerasa susah banget ngebedain dari bentuk cembung atau cekungnya itu. Warna violet nya itu kelihatan banget jadi aku gak pernah pakai ini keluar rumah, belum siap aja diperhatiin banyak orang. Cukup warna lipstick aku yang bold aja jadi pusat perhatian lol.

This circle lenses does enlarging my eyes but not in dramatic way. Since I have dark brown iris the violet color is not blend well with my original iris, maybe it will looks good with people who have natural purple iris. However I'm pretty sure this circle lenses will suits some anime character, check out this circle lenses if you want to do cosplay!
Circle lens ini ada efek membesarkan mata waktu aku pakai, cuma gak yang besar banget. Karena iris aku kan dark brown ya jadi hasilnya kurang natural, mungkin kalau warna asli irisnya ungu gitu hasilnya bisa terlihat bagus banget. Meskipun gitu menurut aku circle lens ini cocok dipakai buat cosplay karena warna violet nya yang sangat terlihat.
Madonna Violet
And let's jump to the most important point, comfort. So far I'm wearing this for more than 1 month. They are not as comfortable Madonna Brown. But, this one is not disappointing too. If Madonna Brown is so comfortable for 8 hours, this one still comfortable without eyedrops about 6 hours. 
Dan ini bagian akhirnya dan juga yang terpenting dari pemakaian circle lens. Aku udah pakai ini selama lebih dari sebulan. Dibanding yang Madonna Brown, Madonna Violet ini bisa dibilang kalah soal kenyamanan. Gak kalah telak sih cuma beda 2 jam aja. Madonna Brown tetap terasa nyaman tanpa tetes mata selama 8 jam, sementara Madonna Violet cuma bertahan selama 6 jam aja. 

Bye for now! Whoever read this you are so lucky I don't put selfie, maybe I will put it later.

COLOR : 4/5
DESIGN : 3/5
COMFORT : 4.5/5


Disclaimer :
"This product was sent to me for review purpose. However all opinion are based on the author's personal experience. Please note, not all products works for me might not works good for you or otherwise." 
Read more complete disclaimer here.

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  1. wow so cetar hehe... keren banget tapi warnanya aku suka. btw pake kamera apa kak? aku suka fotonya jernih abis. thank you^^

    1. Iya, nanti aku dikira mau saingan sama syahrini pakai softlens ini lol.
      Aku pakai kamera hp samsung GT-I9082.

    2. masa siiih?? keren ya bisa jernih banget:( foto-foto di blog ini pakai kamera hp kak?

    3. Iya, yg dulu banget pakai bb malah.
      Fotonya kalau matahari lagi cerah biar jernih tp jangan yg overly cerah nanti ada bayangannya gitu (semoga ngerti ya hehe), soalnya aku juga ga ngerti-ngerti photoshop -____-

  2. Replies
    1. Iyaaa, aku ga pernah pakai ini keluar rumah >_<


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