Contact Lenses : SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha*

This is a super looooong overdue post. Seriously super looong overdue post, really sorry Klenspop T~T

Several months ago I got 2 pair of circle lens, the lens name is SIO 3 Color in Lizzy Mocha and Lizzy Blue. Even the name is same but I don't feel both of them feel same when I wearing it, so I will make separate post. SIO 3 Color Lizzy Blue post will be published by next week. ^^
Beberapa bulan yang lalu aku dapat kiriman 2 pasang circle lens dari Klenspop. Circle lens yang aku dapat itu SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha dan SIO 3 Color Lizzy Blue. Meskipun namanya hampir sama tapi aku rasa ada perbedaan waktu pakai, jadi akan aku buat terpisah postnya. Review SIO 3 Color Lizzy Blue akan tayang minggu depan.
As usual the shipping took less than 2 weeks. The circle lenses came in small box and there is another box inside which was securely wrapped with bubble wrap. Another box inside is a box with cute girl picture and a pair of circle lens in glass vials, lens case and tweezer is inside it.  Also there is circle lens manual in the back side of the box. It really helps first-time circle lens user, not only help first-time user in case you already wear circle lens for long time but in fact it will helps you to take care and how to use circle lens in right way. 
Seperti biasa pengiriman sampai ke rumah aku dari Korea gak sampai 2 minggu. Circle lens nya di packing di box kecil yang di lindungi sama bubble wrap dan di dalamnya ada 2 box yang lebih kecil lagi. Box nya aa gambar perempuan yang cantik dan didalamnya ada sepasang circle lens, lens case dan tweezer nya juga. Di bagian belakangnya ada penjelasan tentang cara pakai circle lens nya. Menurut aku ngebantu banget buat yang baru pertama kali pakai circle lens atau mungkin yang udah sering pakai circle lens tapi cara pakainya belum benar.

The desigm of glass vials is plain in my opinion. SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha is silicon hydrogel lens which is rich oxygen also rich water content another good point is it have strong UV blocking.
Packaging dari circle lens ini di botol kaca yang menurut aku desainnya benar-benar biasa aja. SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha merupakan silicon hydrogel lens yang aya akan oksigen dan kandungan air juga ada blocking terhadap sinar UV.

Before read more review, I want to apologize *again* because I can't provide more detailed picture because the picture file is corrupted when I check it on my laptop.

SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha
 Manufacturer : 
Diameter : 
14.20 mm
Graphic Diameter : 
13.60 mm
Water Content : 
Base Curve : 
Life Span : 
6 Month
Country of Origin :
South Korea
Price : 
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*

Each side of this circle lenses color is different, so it easier for me to know where side is for inside and outside. Seriously having circle lenses with same color inside and outside is really confusing in my opinion. The lens pattern is not special, the rimbal ring color is light brown. Below is picture from web and it's look like that in real.
Masing-masing sisi nya warnanya berbeda, jadi mempermudah banget buat aku tau mana yang bagian dalam dan luar. Aku tuh benar-benar gak suka sama circle lens yang kedua sisi warnanya sama, jadi susah waktu mau pakai karena harus mengamati bentuk nya itu perfect bowl atau gak. Patternnya sendiri menurut aku kurang bagus ya, dibagian luar ada warna light brown. Ini gambar yang aku ambil di web dan sangat sama dengan dilihat secara langsung.
SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha

The lens is so moist and I don't have hard time to put them to my eyes. The lens color is not blends nicely with my original iris color. My iris original color is dark brown almost black when I wearing this the middle part of it is more into gray and the outer part is the light brown color. See picture below.
Circle lens nya tuh terasa moist dan gampang banget waktu aku mau pasang. Sayangnya warnanya kurang menyatu dengan iris mata ku. Warna iris aku itu dark brown hampir terlihat hutam. Waktu aku pakai ini tuh, mata aku gak yang jadi coklat semua. Seperti yang terlihat di foto bawah di middle part warnanya jadi abu-abu gitu.
SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha

Even the color when I wearing it is gray mixed with light brown color it still wearable without makeup for me. It give enlargement effect on my eyes but in natural way, not a really big one. 
Meskipun warna waktu aku pakai abu-abu dengan campuran light brown menurut aku warnanya cock dipakai harian atau tanpa makeup. Ada efek membesarkan nya waktu aku pakai tapi benar-benar natural gak yang ekstra besar fitu.

I wear this up to 12 hours and without a help of single drop from eyedrops and seriously it still feel comfortable. I take them off after 12 hours because I need to take a bath, and my eyes not red at all. However, I suggest you all to not wearing monthly circle lenses in a day for that long. If you want to wear circle lenses for long time in one day, it's much better if you wear daily circle lenses. I mostly wearing this lenses for only 4 hours, even it still feel comfortable I'm usually take them off after 4 hours. Another good point from this circle lenses is when in a sunnyday I look to the sky my eyes don't feel like burnt. 
Pengalaman aku pakai circle lens ini paling lama 12 jam. Itu juga masih terasa nyaman waktu aku pakai dan itu tanpa tetes mata sama sekali. Itu juga aku lepas karena aku mau mandi. 12 jam itu benar-benar pengalaman aku paling lama pakai circle lens. Gimana pun juga aku gak menyarankan pakai circle lens yang untuk berbulan-bulan gini dalam waktu yang lama seperti itu. Lebih baik pilih circle lens yang harian jadi sekali pakai langsung buang kalau mau pakai circle lens dalam waktu yang cukup lama dalam sehari. Biasanya sih aku pakai circle lens paling lama 4 jam aja, itu pengalaman aku 12 jam karena lagi urgent keadaannya gak nemu air bersih buat cuci tangan sebelum ngelepas softlens. Terus karena gak terasa apa-apa makanya aku bisa bertahan 12 jam. Oh ya, waktu aku pakai circle lens ini dan lihat ke langit waktu siang hari lagi panas-panasnya gak terasa circle lens panas seperti terbakar gitu. Pokoknya bear-benar nyaman banget pakai ini.
SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha

COLOR : 3/5
DESIGN : 3/5
COMFORT : 10/5

Overall, this is the most comfortabe lens I ever wear so far and it really suitable for my sensitive eyes.  This lens is still feel comfortable even I've been wearing this for 12 hours, that's why I give the comfort score 10. The lens design is not pretty, but since it's so comfortable I think the design is not really matter.
Circle lens ini benar-benar yang paling nyaman yang pernah aku pakai. Dipakai selama 12 jam aku tetap gak membutuhkan tetes mata dan mata aku sama sekali gak sakit atau ada kemerahannya gitu. Meskipun desainnya kurang bagus tapi kalau nyaman banget aku rasa urusan desainnya jadi gak begitu penting.



Don't forget to check Klenspop Special Sale here, price start from $3-$29. If you are live in Japan check their website named Jlenspop. Until then~!!!


Last year in university is really take my time. I want to blog as much as I used to but why I have so many assignment. I remember that half year ago my plan is when I'm in last year in university I will write as many post as I can and then scheduled it, so my blog still look 'active'. The problem now is I only have little break time. 

Enough blabbering about my life as student, I want to tell you who reading this post, I will have giveaway soon but maybe it will be for people who live in Indonesia, as a gratitude almost 50% the visitor is came from Indonesia. I'm still in progress to pick the prize now. Please wait for more info !

Disclaimer :
"This product was sent to me for review purpose. However all opinion are based on the author's personal experience. Please note, not all products works for me might not works good for you or otherwise." 
Read more complete disclaimer here.

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  1. warna sma patternnya natural bgt yah. padahal ini 3 tones lens ^^
    cantiikkkk >3<

    1. Iya natural banget terus nyaman banget dipakainya.
      Makasih bu guru yang seksi hihiii ^^

  2. The design is very simple, but a 10/5 for comfort is amazing! Comfortable lenses are the best, plus they look great on you ^_^

    1. this is the most comfortable so far, so I gave it 10/5 ^^

  3. They're so cute, I wish I had that eyes ><

  4. Wow the color is so cute and natural!
    I like it <3

    I like your blog!
    Maybe we can follow each other? :3
    My blog:

  5. 12 jam itu pemakaian pertama? kalo softlens nya udah dipake 3-4 kali masih tahan 12 jam nggak?

    1. Yang 12 jam itu bukan pemakaian aku yg pertama sih, itu 12 jam yg paling lama aku pakai, itu juga krn aku mau mandi jd ya di lepas hehe. Tapi sampai saat ini aku udah pakai 10 jam selama 3 kali, dan masih nyaman aja :)

  6. wah seperti ageha ya... aku pake ageha kemarin 16 jam.. syukurnya aman hehehe.. cuma di saat terakhir udh mau perih di mata..

  7. Wuaaa~ belom prnh nyoba lens ini . Terlanjur cinta sama nyamannya eos XD warna sm motifnya so prettyyy. Sukaa. Natural. Coklatnya juga ga kekuning2an. Great review!


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