I can't lie that blackheads are one of my problem. That little annoying shit is really can't leave my face especially nose area. I usually use pore pack which I can easily find in store near me, but I'm bored with the not so cute packaging also the pattern. If you see my haul post several months ago, I'm trying new product for my blackheads.
The Face Shop is one of Korean brand and this one is my first product I tried from The Face Shop. I don't know the exact price in KRW, but I'm sure the price can be categorized as affordable, (uhm well I don't know how much this cost in official counter in Indonesia but I bought it from local online shop with price less than 70.000 IDR).
I was said I usually use pore pack with the not so cute pattern so I feel bored but the reason I bought this one wasn't because I have opinion the packaging of this one is cute, NO, this one is not cute! It's because the packaging is comes in Light Purple color. Yeahhh, beside Doraemon I also like purple color. This one just example of my impulsive buying habbit, I don't look for the review when buying this, I bought this just because the color. So, does this one is is working on me? Read until end of the post !
The packaging is in tube with light purple color, when you buy this there is alumunium foil cover the tube mouth so it means the item is still new (sorry I don't take the picture when t still brand new, I use it right away when I have this).
There are korean and english words written in the tube in both side such as direction, caution and ingredients. This product periode of use is only 12 months after first time opened this, so if it's already 12 months after you opened this, it means the product is already expired and even there are still any leftovers the best way is to throw it, yeah don't use it again !
You can apply this using your finger or face brush on desired area where your blackheads stay, applied it thin or thick it's up to you, but if you applied it thick it need more time to dry. Yes, this product is have smell, but it's quite tolerable. After it dry you can peel it off and you will see how much this product can pick the blackheads.
Based on my experince, this is the worst product for blackheads I ever tried so far. I usually see how much blackheads can be picked from using pore pack or something similar. This product never can pick up blackheads from my nose more than 10 blackheads so far only 8 blackheads, call me weirdo but I seriously count it, it's one of my habbit that every time after I use pore pack I always see how much the blackheads on it and if there are so much blackhead on the pore pack then I feel happy LOLOLOL. So, I still prefer using pore pack despite the fact it can enlarge pores but it can pick up more blackheads too. I know some of you have problem with using pore pack because of the size that's not fit our nose shape, me too! I don't have tall nosebridge too, I usually cut some cm and then use the rest near mouth, yeah I also have blackheads stay near my mouth too.
That's all review for now. Have you tried this product? If yes, please share your experince whether it's same with me or not. Or maybe tell me your thought or whatever your want (as long it's not spam :p) on comment box.
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Hai hai...
ReplyDeleteI never used chemical for my black/whiteheads. But I used honey mask everynight. Basically just a raw honey. And it works really well. :)
aku belum pernah coba pakai madu, pernahnya coba pakai telur, nanti dicoba deh makasih kak :)
Deleteaku waktu itu udah lirik-lirik ini indira, mau beli, tapi gajadi..
ReplyDeleteaku akhirnya beli masker queen helene, katanya bagus untuk kulit berminyak, berjerawat sama untuk hilangin komedo juga. tapi belum aku cobain.. kalo dari review sih banyak yg bilang bagus maskernya
gak asing sih namanya, nanti aku cari-cari lagi info masker queen helene, makasih ya :)
Deleteomo thanks for your review! i was actually considering to get this because of my blackheads LOL but after seeing your review and rating I wont get it!
ReplyDeleteJessie @ bijou-heart
I read few people said this one is good, but it's far from my expectation >,<
DeleteI've got a serious problem with blackheads as well >< I feel your pain lol Thanks for reviewing this product, I wanted to purchase it, but I just changed my mind haha
ReplyDeleteHow about trying the blackhead liquid from Cosrx? There are a lot of good reviews about it!
thankyou jenny, I will look for more information about cosrx :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteyeah really hope I can get rid off those fuckin' ugly blackhead too T-T
Deleteduhh ini jg g bagus yah >3< ak jg lg nyari2 yg bagus apaan. T.T
ReplyDeleteiya nih, hasilnya menurut aku kurang banget
DeleteHealah becanda banget cuma 8 biji, udah nunggu kering lama-lama ternyata gak efektif. Hhahahah. Tapi emang gue juga belom pernah nemu sih maker peel off yang bener-bener bisa ngangkat komedo. Paling juara si Acnes Pore Pack aja tuh tokcer bener buat ngangkat komedo. Tapi masih tetep mesti dipencet sih buat bener-bener bersihnya
ReplyDeleteya kan yang keangkat dikit banget makanya sampai bisa dihitung.
Deletebelum pernah nyoba acnes, soalnya pernah nyov=ba face wash nya bikin muka panas dan gatel terus jadi jerawatan gitu. selama ini pore pack pakainya biore, paling mantep yang warnanya item tuh.
di aku ga keangkat meski pake yang item pun In :'( Udah ilfeel dari lama sih sama pore pack, yang mana pun -_-"
DeleteLucu jg dihitungin komedonyaa.. hihi
ReplyDeleteDi cici pasti ga mempan jg nih, tipe komedoku itu gede n panjang gt, diekstraksi aja susah, kdg putus tengah. huhu
Thanks reviewnya ya ^.^
iya ci, karena terlalu sedikit yang keangkat sampai bisa dihitung -_-
DeleteLhoalaah aku pengen cobain ini padahal, ini sama nggak sih sama Volcanic Clay itu? Aku kok bingung hahaha Yang Volcanic Clay sih katanya lebih nendang, beneran keangkat komedonya.
ReplyDeleteAku ga punya blackhead sih, ga banyak hahaha Yang pengen aku ilangin whitehead-nya, banyaknya produk yang aku pake tiap hari bikin itu numpuk di dalem. Tiap minggu aku peeling sendiri keluarnya bikin sebel :/
Nice and useful review, I never used this kinda packs for my blackheads :)
ReplyDeleteini versi barunya yang volcanic clay. Di aku mempan nih produk, bleackhead dilibas, tapi emang lebih nendang yang lama sih :D mana keringnya lamaaaaa
ReplyDeleteNice Review, And fist Time to Visit This Blog Salam Kenal :D
ReplyDeleteOh, it's too bad that you didn't like this! Thank you for sharing, though ♥
ReplyDeleteAmy xx
Little Moon Dragon
aku dulu pernah juga beli ini dan pakenya ribet belepotan gitu jadi gak beli lagi deh LOL
ak jga agak kecewa sama produk ini, g terlalu mempan selain itu baunya ugh... tapi suka sama sensasi pas ngelenteknya kalo uda kering hiihi
It's too bad it didn't work out for you! T_T This product is always sold out, but I never know why, tbh... when you peel if off, it's so weak!
ReplyDeleteJunniku blog! (Korean beauty blog)
too bad it didnt work out.. :( but its so nice to see a bad review on something haha
ReplyDeletei really hate my blackheads and i also know pore packs are soooooooooooo bad but i also really like them and enjoy seeing how many blackheads its taken out hahaha!
wish i could find a good product to get rid of my blackheads :/
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