Hada Labo Shirojyun Starter Pack

Hadalabo is one of famous skin care from Japan. I must admit that I’m late to try this brand. One of the reason because some people who tried Hadalabo from Shirojyun or Gokujyun line which produced in Indonesia said it cause them breakout, when they said the Hadalabo they bought in Japan is one of their HG product. Because of that I bought Hadalabo Shirojyun and Gokujyun in Starter Pack, so if this product make me breakout I don’t loss much money, well the price is still affordable! I’m gonna talk about Hadalabo Shirojyun first.

On this set you will get Hadalabo Ultimate Whitening Lotion (20ml), Hadalabo Ultimate Whitening Face Wash (20g) and Hadalabo Ultimate Whitening Milk (20ml). Price is under Rp 30.000 or less than $3, I bought it on July last year.  I was though this starter pack will only last about 2 weeks, but after I tried it last about 1 month.

Step to use Hadalabo Shirojyun line :
Only the essence not provided on the starter pack.

Scents of Hadalabo Shirojyun line is not something pleasant maybe like medicine, I can’t tell it more detail. At first I’m using this at morning and night, but after 3 days I just use this set at night before sleep the reason is because I must wait so long almost 1 hour until it fully absorbed to my skin especially the Ultimate Whitening Milk. It feels so sticky also my face looks so oily, note it oily not glowy. If usually only nose area looks oily, when use this is all of my face looks extra oily compared to usual condition.

After 1 months using this I don’t feel it whitening my skin drastically. It does brightening but not significant and if I forget to use this in one day my skin tone is like back to condition before. So, I’m not really impressed with Hadalabo Shirojyun line but I’m glad it not cause me any breakout. In the future I will only repurchase Hadalabo Whitening Lotion again, because I like the texture which is just like water and the scents is not too strong.

That’s all review this time. Oh yeah I just see Hadalabo Indonesia released CC Cream and I wanna try that because I never tried CC Cream before. 

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  1. Aku udah cocok sama Gokujyun jadi ga mau nyobain yang ini. Ga terlalu ngefek ya? Padahal Gokujyun ampuh di aku.
    Nice review dear ^^


  2. I've always wanted to try Hadalabo products especially their whitening products since my skin gets dull really easily (not eating/sleeping properly), so I'd probably buy some of these too :)


  3. Nice review, i've tried out Hado Labo products before too~
    That's so weird the ones produced in indonesia made people break out, i wonder what they do differently.. at least you didnt break out, so thats good!


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