I admit that lately I feel so lazy to write new post, it’s not because I have lot of assignment from my lecturer. Even if I have assignment from my lecturer, I still prefer write for new post rather than do the assignment. This time I will write review about a lipstick. Actually I want to write about it since few months ago, but because I really fell in love with the lipstick color. It’s made me don’t know what I hate from the lipstick, just like me when I fell in love when people ask me to tell one bad point from my partner my answer will be “…it’s seems like he doesn’t have any bad point". LOL enough with it. Let’s jump to the review.
Wardah is one of brand from Indonesia that specialize their products for muslimah woman, well it doesn’t mean if you aren’t muslimah you can’t buy it, it’s just their priority market. Wardah brand is have 3 type of lipstick, what I want to talk now is from the long lasting series. Comes in slim and long tube silver, which make it looks so elegant. I more like silver color than gold color in makeup packaging, and please don’t ask me why cause I don’t know how to tell you more in words.
For more information of ingredients and produced by, please click picture below to enlarge.
Or simply visit this page http://www.wardahbeauty.com/ to find more about Wardah brand.
With price around 40.000 IDR or less than 4 USD, this lipstick is so pigmented, opaque, moisturizing with matte result. It can cover my pigmented lips so well, but not glides on smoothly on my lips. Maybe because of the lipstick formula which is kinda dry. I don’t smell anything from this lipstick. The color selection is just normal color, just like mostly lipstick produced by Indonesian brand, they don’t have extreme color such as green, purple or black. I pick number 12, which is a dark red color.
It stay for more than 6 hours with drinking. The color won’t be completely disappear even after you have meal, but still you need to retouch. If you have dry lips it’s better you wear lipbalm before apply this lipstick, but don’t forget to wipe it when you want to wear this. Because if your lipbalm is still there, the color will be lighter. One bad point, is this lipstick is easy to break, mine is already separated into 2 part, that’s why I don’t show you how long this lipstick is.
Overall, I suggested you all to try this lipstick. Mostly people who already tried lipstick from wardah said lipstick from this line is the best. If your lips in normal condition, it will gives good result. But if you have dry lips, don’t forget to apply lipbalm before, and scrub your lips afterwards.
Here is the picture on different lighting.
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Oh, this sounds like a wonderful lipstick! The colour is so pretty ♥
ReplyDeleteAmy xx
Little Moon Dragon
warnanya bagus banget, dan awet juga ternyata
ReplyDeletekeliatan seger jadinya ^^
I lvoe your pink polka dot background!
ReplyDeleteFollowed you~
The colour pigmentation looks good but too bad it broke in half. Will check out this brand online.
merah nya cakep banget (T____T) si anggie bilang kalo seri longlast ini baguuuuus.. guuus.. tapi aku nya nggak sempet-sempet untuk beli ke counter nya..
ReplyDeleteIndira, sorry comment nya gak nyambung tapi gw nominasiin lo Liebster Award ya, pertanyaan nya ada di blog gw, silahkan cus kesono :D
ReplyDeleteIs there a reason why its target audience is muslimah women?
ReplyDeletethe colour you picked out is really nice ^^
so beautifuul sis, saya juga baru punya shade 09 nih, rencana mau koleksi yang banyak soalnya suka matte, hihi :D
ReplyDeletesalam kenal ya.. visit juga blog saya nih
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