[FIRST IMPRESSION] Tony Moly Floria Brightening Peeling Gel*

Hello, I’m back again ! This time I will talk my first impression of peeling gel for face, before I’ve tried and made review of peeling gel from Japanese brand (click here). Peeling gel I tried in this post is from Tony Moly, I got this peeling gel from online shop in Korea, what I like from online shop in Korea is they always give so many sample products even you only buy 1, I got more that 11 samples even I only bought 1 full size product.
Kali ini mau ngomongin first impression aku tentang salah satu peeling gel buat wajah, sebelumnya aku pernah review salah satu peeling gel dari salah satu brand Jepang disini. Peeling Gel yang kali ini aku coba dari Tony Moly. Peeling Gel ini aku dapat dari online shop Korea, senangnya kalau beli dari online shop Korea dikasih sample sampai belasan padahal cuma beli satu produk full size.

Tony Moly Brightening Peeling Gel

Because this is sample size, so I won’t talk about the packaging. As the name this is Gel, the consistency is not watery or thick. I don’t smell something strong when tried this. This one sachet is enough for my face, no leftover. But I feel this product is not as good as peeling gel I’ve tried before. For the brightening effect is good, I see my face get brighten up after using this. So that’s all post this time!
Karena ini sample size, jadi gak usah bahas kemasannya ya. Sesuai namanya ini Gel, Gel yang gak begitu cair dan gak terlalu kental juga. Aku sendiri gak ngerasain ada wangi yang kuat waktu pakai ini. Satu sachet ini cukup buat satu wajah aku, gak kurang ataupun lebih. Buat performanya aku ngerasa produk ini kalau dibandingkan sama Peeling Gel yang sebelumnya aku coba masih kurang. Kalau buat efek brightening nya aku ngerasain sih setelah pakai ini wajahku emang terlihat lebih cerah. Yeah sekian post kali ini !

Have you tried this product? Anyway I’m interested to try peeling gel from brand named Mizon, but it’s still hard to find seller who sells that on local online shop. When I found one, we live on different island so the shipping cost is half of the product.
Apa kalian udah ada yang pernah coba produk ini? Oh ya, aku tertarik buat cobain Peeling Gel dari brand Mizon nih, cuma nyari local online shop yang jual kok masih jarang ya, sekalinya ada beda pulau gitu.

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  1. I've never tried TONYMOLY products but this was on my list for my next to buy, but I was looking at MIZON's as well so I might just buy that one first :P


  2. Ooo I never tried this product before. I've tried a few peeling gels but I don't remember the names since I can't read japanese! T-T
    I've also tried the Hello Kitty Apple Gommage peeling gel! The packaging is super cute obviously and it smells like apples :D

  3. Share link olshop nya dong kak


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