Hi all! It’s me Indira and welcome (back) to my blog.
This post is in (broken) English and Bahasa
Bubble mask is get popular since last year especially in the english-speaking asian beauty enthusiast. One reason because it's really unique, I won't only let the mask sit on my face and then wait for several minutes but I can squeeze it, just like playing with bubble-wrap.
I think all korean beauty enthusiast will immediately think of that brand with pig as their icon when talk about bubble mask. But, sorry I'm not gonna talk about that because that product is really mainstream. Ehm just kidding, I'm curious with that product too, but that product is in 'gray zone' for me. Some source said that product is using piggy and some said not, I can't try product which use whatever-it-is from pig as part of the ingredient. Eh I keep talking about 'that-product', now let's just move to the product I want to share with you all.
Onsaemeein, this brand seems not famous enough outside Korea, because I still can count with finger how many review I found from this brand. Previously I promised to make review of Onsaemeein Yoghurt Peeling Gel after I featured it at June 2016 fav but I still can't fulfill it until now, sorry! Instead I will share my experience of Onsaemeein Carbonated Scoria Bubble Mask Pack first 😘.