Have I mentioned this in some post before that currently since earlier this year I'm really enjoying wearing contact lens everyday. Not sure why maybe my eyes already getting used again with contact lens, or maybe the contact lens I wearing is just really comfortable. Even so, sometimes I still worry so I never forget to bring eyedrops.
Dulu sih aku bilang lebih pilih pakai kacamata ketimbang contact lens, tapi dari awal tahun ini aku jadi hampir sering pakai contact lens setiap hari. Entah karena mata aku udah terbiasa lagi dengan pemakaian contact lens atau karena contact lens yang akhir-akhir ini aku pakai emang nyaman banget. Meskipun gitu aku sih selalu jaga-jaga ya bawa tetes mata untuk contact lens, kali aja tiba-tiba terasa kering atau gak nyaman banget.
Today I have review of contact lens again which I have been using since 1 weeks ago and I'm only wearing this for the last one week, it's Vivian Brown from Klenspop. It's really a pretty lens and make my eyes looks sparkling!