Finally I can write a review about product that I’ve been trying since the middle of july.
I know so many blogger already reviewed it. I was have no interest to try this product before, even mostly blogger who reviewed this said this is a good product..but my mind changed, after I read Stella Lee’s post cause she’s my favorite blogger, and almost all product she said good in her review also works good on me.
I know so many blogger already reviewed it. I was have no interest to try this product before, even mostly blogger who reviewed this said this is a good product..but my mind changed, after I read Stella Lee’s post cause she’s my favorite blogger, and almost all product she said good in her review also works good on me.
This product comes in booklet and there is full of introduction about V10 Plus Water Based Peeling. Actually this product comes in bottle packaging contains 50ml, but for Indonesia they only sell it in sachet packaging to make the price not so high for market here.